SEO Tools

SEO Check

Google Bot can render your website with or without JavaScript. Better be ready.

SEO Spider / Crawler

Without a good SEO crawler there is no technical SEO.

Google Ranking Check

Google live ranking check. Neutral search results for many countries.

Google Keyword Monitoring

Monitor your important rankings on a daily basis. No more suprises. Desktop and mobile.

Google Search Volume Query

Get the last 12 months' search volume, CPC, and competition for up to 500 keywords for free.

Keyword Tool

Generate additional topic-relevant keywords based on your keywords or a URL. Get search volume and other metrics.

SEO Content Briefing

You can create a content / copywriter briefing based on the Google competitors for a specific keyword. The most important keywords, semantics, readability, etc. are determined. It also helps you to write your own text.

Website Comparison

Compare the onpage factors and keyword occurrences of your website vs. the Google top rankings.

Ultrasuggest / Keyword Tools

Create hundrets of related keywords based on the suggests of Google, Amazon, YouTube, Ebay, Wikipedia ..

Questions Tool

Find all questions users have asked Google.

Chrome UX Report for the last 6 months

Query historical Core Web Vitals data from the Chrome User Experience Report for the last 6 months.

SEO Source Code Comparison

Here you can compare the source code of a website for different user agents or bots.

Check local rankings

Get local rankings for over 90.000 places.

More SEO Tools


THE best page performance tool. Please forget about Google Page Speed ;)

W3C Validator

Only flawless HTML source code is good source code!

SSL Test

Check if your SSL encryption is bulletproof.