White label SEO tools for your website

Whitelabel SEO Check
Example of a Whitelabel Version

You can also use all SEORCH SEO tools like the SEO Check or the Google Ranking Check on your own website. The layout, design, content, customer approach, etc. are adapted to your wishes.
For example, if you want to offer your customers our SEO Check, we can do it for you in a few days.
The white label version runs on SEORCH servers and you have the choice to integrate your own version into your website via an iFrame or to use one of your domains for it. No hosting is necessary on your side.

So you can offer your visitors added value or give your sales team strong arguments to win customers.

If you'd rather build a frontend yourself, take a look at our SEO APIs .

Your wishes - our SEO tools

In contrast to other white label tools, our software is completely customizable. Basically, you tell us what you have in mind and we will implement it for you. Is the SEORCH analysis too complex for your target group? No problem, we adapt the texts and contents of the white label version to your wishes. Do you have an idea for an analysis that we do not yet have? Let's talk about it because we can probably develop this.
In the end, the finished white label version can be used seamlessly in your existing website and the actual origin cannot be recognized by your visitors.

How do you get your white label version?

Do you have any questions about the SEORCH white label SEO tools?

Matthias Hotz
Your contact person

If you have any questions about our white label solutions, please contact me.

The best thing to do is to send us a short email and we will make a phone appointment.

Contact person:
Matthias Hotz

Email: info@42blue.de

Overview of the available white label SEO tools:

We can provide all tools in the table as white label versions in a very short time. If your tool is not there, just get in touch. We have built complete custom SEO tools for various customers that did not exist before.

Tool Description Pricing
SEO Check Complete SEO OnPage Analysis from 75 USD
SEO Check PRO Complete SEO-OnPage analysis with activated JavaScript from 75 USD
Texter Briefing / Content Briefing Tool Create a content / copywriter briefing based on Google competitors for a specific keyword from 75 USD
SEO Crawler Technical SEO crawl / SEO spider of up to 20,000 pages from 100 USD
Suggest Tool Suggest data (related keywords) for keywords with all letters and numbers from Google, Yandex, Amazon, YouTube, Ebay, Wikipedia, Yahoo and Bing from 50 USD
Questions Tool All questions entered by users in Google for a specific keyword in Google (Google Suggest) from 50 USD
Google Ranking Tool Live Google Top 100 Ranking Query from 75 USD
Google Local Ranking Tool Live Google Top 100 Ranking Query anywhere in the world from 75 USD
Compare Tool Compare websites and their OnPage SEO factors for a specific keyword from 75 USD
Google Search Volume Query Search volume, cost per click, and competition for up to 1,000 keywords at once from 75 USD
Keyword Tool Generate hundreds of additional topic-relevant keywords based on seed keywords. Including search volume, cost per click, and competition. from 75 USD

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

What is white label SEO?

White Label SEO allows your agency to offer SEO tools and thus either generate customer contacts or offer existing customers added value. Of course, our white label SEO solutions can also be used by your employees to create PDF SEO analyzes that are completely in the layout and design of your company.

What does a white label SEO tool cost?

There are different billing models. With some providers you pay per analysis, others have monthly package prices. Our tools start at $ 50 per month and all your customization requests are included. There are no further costs for hosting or maintenance.

What are the advantages of white label SEO tools?

Developing SEO tools yourself as an SEO agency can be expensive and tedious, especially if you have to hire external developers or project managers. With our SEO tools you can integrate a finished white label version on your website or use it for your sales in just a few days. You show your customers and visitors an extended competence that many competitors cannot offer.

What is included in white label SEO?

While many white label SEO tools only allow you to adapt the logo or the color scheme, we build a real custom version for you in which all of your requirements can be mapped. We can use your fonts, request additional data from users, send PDF reports or record further analyzes.